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GMC 1977 Motorhome Raffle

Tickets $25 each or 5 for $100

Purchase at our Fuller ReUse store Wednesday through Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm or any board member.

Drawing December 31

If goal isn't met, $65,000 a 50/50 will be paid.
For more info call 209-726-0850 during business hours






Volunteer Orientation

Volunteer Orientation last Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at
1200 Broadway Ave., Atwater ReUse Store for approximately one hour.
Volunteers needed for helping customers, loading purchases, unloading donations, dusting furniture, cleaning appliances, sweeping floors.



Four lots have been acquired from the City of Merced

We will start building soon, if you are interested in construction, please contact Lyle Allen 209-723-2671.
Ground breaking will be announced very soon.



Annual Meeting

Annual meeting is always third Saturday in October, this year October 21.
Board meetings the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the ReUse Store,1200 Broadway Ave. Atwater.
OverStocked Sale, everything 50% off through Saturday, April 8th.



Volunteers Luncheon

Volunteers luncheon honoring Lyle Allen, ReUse Store Manager, on his 90th birthday
(in blue hat & light blue shirt in front)


Donations to our ReUse Store

1. Wonderful young men (8) of them Mormon Missionaries helping load a houseful of donations to our ReUse Store - two truckloads. They helped load and unload along with our older fellows who really appreciated the young energetic young folks.

2. Floyd (left) and two volunteers as we load his donations to our ReUse Store



The Fuller Center
for Housing

of Merced County

P.O. Box 423
Atwater, CA 95301-0423

© 2024 The Fuller Center for Housing of Merced County.
All Rights Reserved.

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